Well, I have been back from my freshman year at Cornell for almost 3 weeks now, but have done little crafting and no blogging. It's strange, I've knit a little, finally begun a dress I've meant to make for a while, but for the most part I've been feeling relatively uninspired. Maybe it's my lack of a good workspace here... not that I really had one at school, and not that I really had crafting time at school, but sewing on the floor and such has been bothering my back even more than it used to. And it feels like it's twice as crowded here as it used to be... I haven't finished unpacking because I just don't have a place to unpack the rest of my things in to. haha. But anyway, I am back, and the one thing I
have been working on throughout the year is my visual journal, which I began last July. There are a few months, especially during the beginning of school, that are a bit barren, but I've kept up with it for the most part and I thought sharing some of the pages with you would be a good way to return to blogging again.
So, without further adieu:

and a memorial page for my cat Madison, who I had mentioned passed away over my spring break.
The rest of the pages, as well as larger versions of these, can be viewed on my
flickr along with a page of Shows I've Seen and an indefinitely incomplete page for a show I was in last semester, the Bourgeois Gentleman. Perhaps this post will inspire me to
really return to the world of crafting and blogging? I hope so... because I really do need to do something with myself (besides watch Lost which some friends at school got me addicted to :K) haha
Lovely journal/schedule pages!!! :)
Sorry to hear about your cat. :( I know how dear those little guys can be. :(
And, I just got hooked on LOST this year, too!!! :)
yeah, it was tough, but I found journaling about it really helped, among other things. And I still have one beautiful (and terribly pesty) baby left to keep me company.
And LOST is just so terribly addicting, isn't it?!
So cool! You'll treasure it forever.
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