I also did manage to break out my sewing machine the night before I left and resize my size large dragon day shirt into a nice, fitted girly small. I have no pictures of the shirt, but I'll show you a few of the dragon for good measure.

In short, dragon day is the day where all of the overworked architects go crazy (not that the rest of us at Cornell aren't overworked, but the seem to have it particularly bad). The freshmen archies build a giant dragon float the day/night before and all of them have a big parade full of many many entertaining costumes and many wasted upperclassmen. Then, at the end of the parade, they run around like maniacs and set the dragon on fire. A very old Cornell tradition, sound quite civil yes? Hah, well, it was indeed a lot of fun to watch.
I wish I had taken more pictures this semester, the dragon day ones were pretty much my first. And while Ithaca is freezing in the winter, it is indeed both gorges and gorgeous, and I wish I had captured a little more of that. No matter, I have three more years, and I'm hoping and praying that Ithaca will be ready for spring when I return.
Now, I know what you're thinking, Spring break? bumpy ride? Seems like you're doing well and having fun. Well, I was, as I mentioned, overworked at Cornell, but I am loving it a lot. However, yesterday is where the not so happy facts come in. To make a long story short, we took my cat, Madison, into the vet because he had lost weight and was looking rather lethargic. He had been to have blood work in November and was perfectly fine so we figured he was just a bit dehydrated, the vet would give him some fluid, and off we would go. Not so much the case. Turns out he had developed an extremely aggressive cancer in almost no time at all and would have to be put down. After an hour stuck underground due to the annoying MTA I surfaced and called my cousins whom I was supposed to have brunch with, they told me to instead call my mother, and I got in a cab and rushed back uptown immediately. We got to spend some time with him, but no amount of time could have been enough to say goodbye to my best friend and truest confidant of 12 years. I grew up with Madison, from 7 to almost 19, and now he's gone. Goodbye baby, I will miss you more than anyone will ever know. I love you.

My family spent the rest of the day wallowing at home and after knitting more of my thermal in front of a few silly movies, my mom and I decided to bake. Baking is therapeutic, correct? So we made oatmeal chocolate chip, one of my favorites and I made a play list of extremely upbeat, happy, shiny songs. If anyone has any suggestions for that list, I'm still looking to add to it. Then, a dinner of Indian food, a few more cookies, a few more silly movies, and a bit more knitting later, I decided I needed to craft. I painted a page in my journal for Madison, but I only did the background because most of my supplies are up at school, and it also took some time to dry. Around 2 am I glanced about my room and saw the packages of yarn from the long ago Rapunzel scarf swap that I did. I took them out and started laying pieces across my living room. By 3:15, I was done, chopped the loose ends with a seam ripper because I didn't want to wake anyone by going to look for a scissor, tried it on, and then went to sleep.

I'm quite happy with how it turned out. So springy and wonderful. And it reminds me how much I love crafting. It helps take my mind off things, and make me feel better. I just wish I had the time for it up at school. Alas.
Oh, dude, I cannot imagine losing a pet that close to you. I feel so bad. I hope that you can feel better soon.
thanks for the sympathy, it's been really difficult but my friends, crafts, and baking have all been very supportive ;)
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